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Altoviz API access are secured by :

  • a TLS connection using a Sectigo Limited certificate with an RSA key length of 2048-bit
  • an API key authentication mecanism

How to get an API key ?

API keys are centralized in the Altoviz application itself. Go to the Settings, API access. Here is a direct shortcut

You can create a new API key or re-generate an existing one.

Create a new Altoviz API key using the app


Copy the API key before closing the form as you will not be able to access it again.

How does it work ?

Every HTTP request must have a header named x-api-key with a valid API key.

Get information about the API server
curl -H "x-api-key:cddb5157-12be-42a9-985a-4501c6e6e2fa"

Basic authentication

Basic authentication is also supported using apikey as user and the API key as password.

Get information about the API server
curl -u "apikey:cddb5157-12be-42a9-985a-4501c6e6e2fa"


In case you really can't use a header, you can send the API key using a parameter named apikey. We discourage this method by default as the API key appear in logs, web analytics service or caches.

Get information about the API server using API key by parameter

Great, you just made your first Altoviz API call ! 🥳