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5 posts tagged with "Changelog"


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Changelog 2024-08-28

· 3 min read

Following your feedback, we added a lot of new APIs and extended existing APIs. This post will make a little recap of the new stuff added in the last months.

Introducing "internal id"

You might need to create an integration of the Altoviz services with your product and in case you have common entities, you will have to keep the data in sync. That's why we added an "internal id" on entites such as contacts, customers, products, quotes and invoices.

As an example, if you have contacts within your app and those contacts have their own unique id, you can set this unique id to the internal id of the Altoviz customer. You wil then be able to get this customer back using your unique id and not the Altoviz one. You no longer have to save Altoviz ids.

Changelog 2023-10-05

· One min read

API key by parameter

An additional authentication method is introduced using a URL parameter. Read more

POST content no longer needs Id

Some API like contact creation or customer update had a useless Id member.

New webhooks

We added more webhooks to give you more control over what happens in the app. Read more

Settings API

A new settings API allows you to get all settings including timezone, logo, vat number, var mode and more.

curl -iH "x-api-key:5b26c099-5d5e-4087-90a0-722f9d5b92ee"

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Changelog 2023-09-21

· 2 min read

new API to get VATs

You might need to create an invoice from scratch, without using any existing product, so you will have to spefify the appropriate VAT for each line. Those things are not frequently changing but a better approach than hard coding is to list the VATs.

curl -iH "x-api-key:5b26c099-5d5e-4087-90a0-722f9d5b92ee"

The result is a list of all existing VAT

{ "id": 22, "rate": 0.0, "region": "FR", "label": "0.0% - FR" },
{ "id": 23, "rate": 0.0, "region": "EU", "label": "0.0% - EU" },
{ "id": 24, "rate": 0.0, "region": "IE", "label": "0.0% - IE" },
{ "id": 25, "rate": 20.0, "region": "FR", "label": "20.0% - FR" },
{ "id": 26, "rate": 10.0, "region": "FR", "label": "10.0% - FR" },
{ "id": 27, "rate": 5.5, "region": "FR", "label": "5.500% - FR" },
{ "id": 28, "rate": 2.1, "region": "FR", "label": "2.100% - FR" }

REST API reference