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· One min read

API key by parameter

An additional authentication method is introduced using a URL parameter. Read more

POST content no longer needs Id

Some API like contact creation or customer update had a useless Id member.

New webhooks

We added more webhooks to give you more control over what happens in the app. Read more

Settings API

A new settings API allows you to get all settings including timezone, logo, vat number, var mode and more.

curl -iH "x-api-key:5b26c099-5d5e-4087-90a0-722f9d5b92ee"

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· 2 min read

new API to get VATs

You might need to create an invoice from scratch, without using any existing product, so you will have to spefify the appropriate VAT for each line. Those things are not frequently changing but a better approach than hard coding is to list the VATs.

curl -iH "x-api-key:5b26c099-5d5e-4087-90a0-722f9d5b92ee"

The result is a list of all existing VAT

{ "id": 22, "rate": 0.0, "region": "FR", "label": "0.0% - FR" },
{ "id": 23, "rate": 0.0, "region": "EU", "label": "0.0% - EU" },
{ "id": 24, "rate": 0.0, "region": "IE", "label": "0.0% - IE" },
{ "id": 25, "rate": 20.0, "region": "FR", "label": "20.0% - FR" },
{ "id": 26, "rate": 10.0, "region": "FR", "label": "10.0% - FR" },
{ "id": 27, "rate": 5.5, "region": "FR", "label": "5.500% - FR" },
{ "id": 28, "rate": 2.1, "region": "FR", "label": "2.100% - FR" }

REST API reference

new API to get classifications

Classifications are our way to produce accounting registers from user created invoices. You can now get a complete list of existing classifications.

curl -iH "x-api-key:5b26c099-5d5e-4087-90a0-722f9d5b92ee"

The result is a list of classification with all the detail. Did you notice the associated VAT ?

"id": 162,
"label": "Abonnements/Locations",
"description": "Abonnement ou location de matériel (hors locations mobilières/immobilières), hébergement de site internet...",
"accountNumber": "6131",
"defaultVat": { "id": 25, "rate": 20.0, "region": "FR", "label": "20.0% - FR" },
"isProduct": false,
"isService": false,
"type": "Expense",
"microBusinessDeclarationType": null
"id": 154,
"label": "Accessoires et petits matériels",
"description": "Biens et équipements dont la valeur est inférieure à 500€ HT : bureau, tablette, téléphone, etc.",
"accountNumber": "6051",
"defaultVat": null,
"isProduct": false,
"isService": false,
"type": "Expense",
"microBusinessDeclarationType": null

REST API reference

· 2 min read

This is a very special day today for the Altoviz team. We are launching our initiative for developers including :

Altoviz public APIs

The Altoviz platform provides free RESTful APIs to deal with quotes, invoices, contacts, customers and products.
This is a great opportunity for every developers creating apps and solutions that at some point could generate invoices or sync contacts.

Altoviz Developer Hub

We created the Altoviz Developer Hub website to publish developer oriented content only. App users and customers will still use the mainstream blog on
Everything useful we provide for developer will be there : A complete and up to date documentation for the APIs, tutorials and a blog. For samples and code, check out our GitHub page.
We'll use the blog for every announcements. To ensure that you'll not miss a thing, use the RSS feed or subscribe to the developer e-mail list in your account.

Altoviz GitHub page

We share our code samples on GitHub 🐙 so every developers can explore, resuse and enhance them.
If you create a project on GitHub related to Altoviz, feel free to ping us. We will be more than happy to promote it.

The possibilities are endless, so are the opportunities. We can't wait to see what awesome things developers will do with the Altoviz APIs.